Why Can’t We Hear the Sound of Butterflies Flapping Their Wings?
In nature, there are some special sounds that we cannot hear, such as the sound of butterflies flapping their wings. Do you know why?
One of the most memorable moments in any field trip is hearing the unique call of a bird or the chirp of a cricket. After all, what’s more memorable than holding a moment in your memory forever? To hear these sounds is to fully connect with nature and appreciate the beauty that it brings. However, there are some sounds that we have never been able to hear, no matter how hard we try. You might be wondering why this is so. What makes some sounds so special? Why can’t we hear the sound of butterflies flapping their wings?
What is a Sound?
A sound is a vibration that is transmitted through matter. The vibration generates a sound wave. Sound waves have frequency, volume, and pitch. Frequency refers to the number of cycles per second, volume refers to the sound intensity or loudness, and pitch refers to the highness or lowness of the tone. Humans can hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Sounds below 20 Hz are generally in the sub-audible range and become increasingly difficult to hear as the frequency drops. Sounds above 20,000 Hz are in the ultrasonic range and are generally inaudible due to their short length.
How We Hear Sounds
Our hearing system is made up of three parts: our outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Sound waves travel from the source to our eardrum, causing it to vibrate. It then travels through our middle ear where it is amplified. From there, it reaches our inner ear where the sound waves are converted into nerve impulses. The impulses are then sent to the auditory cortex in the brain where they are interpreted. This means that our brain is what really allows us to hear. The ability to hear is all thanks to the vibration of the air molecules around us. Sound waves are formed when something that is vibrating disrupts the normal motion of the molecules in the air around it. The disruption causes the air molecules to vibrate, and so they in turn disrupt the air molecules around them. This process continues in a chain reaction until the sound is heard.
Why the Sound of Butterflies Flapping Their Wings is Lost on Us
There are some exciting things here. If you put your ears close to a butterfly, you cannot hear anything. Even if you get closer, you still cannot hear anything — because the frequency of a butterfly’s wings is about 5Hz. It is not because the wings of the butterfly are too quiet (when we hear nothing, we subconsciously think the volume is too low), but because we cannot hear sounds with frequencies lower than 20Hz. On the other hand, butterflies can fly silently because they lack the mechanism for sound production. This means that they do not have the organs that allow for sound to be created. So, butterflies have always been quiet to us. I suggest you find a butterfly to prove my words… As you complete this activity, you will learn more about the nature. Try today!
Physical Fitness Will Affect the Boundaries of a Person’s Hearing Range
The two boundaries of the hearing range are not always the same for different people. Some people can still hear 19Hz or lower frequencies. For example, I can hear the 16Hz frequency sine wave (well, this is a gift to a musician~) and that 15Hz frequency sine wave is silent to my ears. In the same way, some people can only hear sounds at frequencies no less than 25Hz. Why do different people have different boundaries of hearing range? Because everyone’s health is different, and the boundaries of hearing range depend on how healthy this person is. If you are in the music industry, here is my advice: please stay away from alcohol and tobacco as it will damage your health and eventually affect your ears.
Sound can be beautiful, awe-inspiring, and even thought-provoking. However, there are some sounds that we have never been able to hear, no matter how hard we try. Why is this so? What makes some sounds so special? Why can’t we hear the sound of butterflies flapping their wings? The answer lies within our human hearing frequency range. The frequency at which a butterfly flaps its wings is not within the range of human hearing. Hearing is very important for every musician. Only by protecting hearing can a musician’s career last for a long time. So, please stay away from alcohol and tobacco.